Ryan Louis

Senior Associate

With a deep well of energy and knowledge, Ryan brings a force of expertise to each project on which he works. (And did you notice that? Even though he mixed a metaphor, he didn’t end that sentence with a preposition.) He started his career with MTV Networks International, mostly peddling teen angst around the world – and managed a film career on the side that culminated in more meaningful subjects such as his post-production work on the Academy-Award winning documentary Born into Brothels. His time at VH1 and Nickelodeon taught him how to effectively navigate the chaotic worlds of production and public relations.

Returning home to Colorado, he now works in community outreach and public information management for multimillion, multiyear projects around Colorado – most notably on the traffic and safety improvements project at I-25 & Broadway in Denver; and on the new interchange being built at Picadilly & I-70 in Aurora.

Ryan is as comfortable at 10,000 feet — thinking strategically about projects and their implications on the people they affect — as he is at ground level. Down there, he turns into a consummate researcher, writer and public speaker. He’s just as happy writing press releases, scheduling and facilitating public meetings, or obsessing over the perfect font necessary to sell big ideas (because details really do matter).

With additional skillsets in media relations, strategic planning, coaching, facilitation, social media and blogging, he is equally effective at managing massive surveys as he is doing concentrated content analyses. He was a college debater and likes to be right; but he’s really just more interested in making you laugh.

  • Bachelor of Arts in film production, Webster University, St. Louis, MO

  • Master of Arts in speech communication: rhetoric & performance studies, Hoftsra University, NY

  • Doctor of Philosophy in communication studies: rhetoric, University of Kansas