Winter Wise

The Challenge

After three years, the Colorado Department of Transportation’s (CDOT) winter driving campaign had outgrown its original Change Your Peak Drive branding that focused primarily on the I-70 mountain corridor. 

For the 2017-18 campaign, CDOT decided to expand the campaign’s scope to communicate with all Colorado drivers, not just those traveling I-70. With this evolution in mind, CIG recommended a full creative rebrand. CDOT’s winter driving communication suite needed a fresh look to catch the eye of its expanded audience.

CDOT’s winter driving communication suite needed a fresh look to catch the eye of its expanded audience.

Our Solution

Brand cohesion was a priority. We wanted audiences to recognize a more unified look to communicate CDOT’s campaign messages for the upcoming winter season, regardless of where they live and drive.

To improve the consistency of the brand and assist in organizing the diverse and vast amount of winter driving information and resources available, CIG created a brand identity that encompassed a primary logo and four categories representing campaign sub-topics: Tire/Vehicle Safety, Winter Operations, Winter Travel Resources and I-70 Mountain Travel. We selected Winter Wise as the name to capture the essence of the campaign — staying informed and knowing the available resources to stay safe in Colorado winter driving conditions.

Using the new brand, CIG developed new communication materials including a revised web page, flyers, posters, infographics, social media videos and banners.

The Results

Through the campaign, educational materials were distributed to more than 80 statewide locations thoughtfully selected to reach our target audiences. From recreational ski shops and visitor centers along I-70, to rental car service desks and tire retailers, information about winter driving laws and resources was sent anywhere we could reach our audience. 

statewide locations

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1660 Lincoln St.
Suite 1800
Denver, CO 80264

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